into duskwood then head towards redridge and then go from redridge too burning steppes (50+ zone) then too searing gorge (45-50) and then you enter badlands. If your horde, go from orgrimmar too grom gol then travel through stranglethorn vale. if your horde, go from orgrimmar too grom gol then travel through stranglethorn vale. If your alliance, travel through from ironforge into dun morgh too loch modan and then you enter badlands.

You have to avpid some bad guys just before you get there (it's an encampment like Un'goro), but they are lower lvl-53ish-than the orcs you see from the road-57. If you're riding to the Horde FP go left. This is so easy you'll think you went in a circle by mistake, since BS looks like SG. You may think you're supposed to keep running, but take a left down a corridor that looks like it ends in a chamber on your minimap, but it doesn't: it dumps you onto a ramp in BS. Комментарий от ThottbotDIRECTIONS FROM SG: In case you were somewhat confused by the directions above, ride into the mountain-you'll see a plank bridge leading up to it. Here, you can kill these easy 56-57 mob elites, and skin them for black dragonscales, which sell really well to warlocks cause they need these for their dreadsteed quest. If you find a constant route from mine to mine, you can easily farm 20 ores in 1 run, and a chance at arcane crystals or sapphires to sell for even more money.Īs well their is the black dragons just northwest of the Blackrock stronghold. If you are a miner, this is also the best place for rich thorium veins. Also, their is 3 chest spawn points within this vicinity dropping food to replenish you.

They drop 8-14s each time, along with chances of blues, greens, and even the rare purple items. These mobs here contain low armor, and are easily killable. For you mob killers out there, the best place imho, is the Blackrock Stronghold. Mining and Skinning, and killing mobs here will help you in your money making ways. Комментарий от 8063This zone is AMAZING for money making, especially if you are a patient farmer.