Out of dozens of titles released in 2018 for the PS4 and Xbox One, I count only two that could be read as Trumpian satire. Video games have been all but absent from this conversation – though the medium is no less capable of meaningful cultural narratives that capture the zeitgeist. Resistance politics has also erupted off the screen in the #MeToo movement.

In cinema we see films such as BlacKkKlansman, Battle of the Sexes and The Post capturing the tension of the era with prescience, given their long production cycles. TV shows such as Netflix’s Dear White People and The Handmaid’s Tale have played on the anxieties induced by the barely veiled misogyny and racism in his rhetoric. Since then, creatives in virtually every industry have responded by turning Trump’s inflammatory soundbites into kindling for the artistic fire.
T rump’s election ushered in a political winter doomed to last at least four years, assuming he escapes impeachment.